Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Arabians learn Arabian with the speed of summer lightning


That one line in the Beatles song "Paperback Writer" -- 

"it's a dirty story of a dirty man" --

why does that sort of crack me up every time?

    Maybe it's because the line itself sounds kind of distasteful -- not very nice.  But the way they pronounce it with their English accents makes it sound elegant and dignified.

"It's a deh - tee story of a deh-tee mahn..."


To my American ear, any British accent pretty much sounds like total sophistication, right?  But actual people in the U.K. would hear a variety of accents and they could then pinpoint where each person belongs in their British "class system."

It's like that movie -- My Fair Lady.

You can watch that and totally learn about their whole class-yadda, which is about organizing society, I guess, and enjoy it as pure entertainment as well.

Hear a Yorkshireman, or worse,

Hear a Cornishman converse,

I'd rather hear a choir singing flat....


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