Wednesday, May 25, 2022

each of those kids is just copying the other ones


North Street - Uvalde, Texas

Fine Art America

propose a bill:

§ The U.S. Senate, House, and Supreme Court chambers shall be protected by weapons regulations identical to those in whichever state has the most lenient gun laws.


These kids -- feebs -- are just copying one another.  These incidents are like temper tantrums planned out in advance.  May 14th, it was the one at the grocery store in Buffalo, New York -- yesterday, elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.  Now they protect themselves with body armor:  their new fad.

        Are people like this born evil?

        Can we deal with evil?

        Or do we pretend it doesn't exist?

Speaking of evil, the NRA is holding a play-party -- oops, meant to say "conference" in Houston, Texas, this coming Friday through Sunday.  (Good it extends to Sunday, they can have "thoughts and prayers."  Sounds weally weally weeligious....)

        trump, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott are going to give speeches during this celebration.  (Do people get paid to speak at this?  If so, how much?)

        (Again, with the evil -- Greg Abbott, have you seen that guy?  His eyes:  it's like you looked into the Abyss.  You want to go get a cross and some garlic....)

- recent comment from you tube

~~ Maybe if these states stopped electing the same type of officials, they could have better laws that help their citizens.  I truly feel for them, but they are the ones who keep electing people who obviously don't care about them.

Reader Comments, New York Times

Daniel Cohn

Toronto, Canada

Instructive to note that the same day this happened, Texas Republicans voted to re-nominate pretty much all of the politicians who created a legal structure where it is harder to vote than to own and carry a gun.

I do not want to be so crass as to say Texans like things this way.

However, any reasonable observer has to conclude that changing the state's gun laws certainly is not a very high priority for many Texans compared to other things.

Tony Hartnett


If Americans wanted to end these massacres they could, because the solution lies in their own hands -- literally.... One Party wants sensible gun control, the other does not.  If you habitually vote Republican maybe it's time to ask yourself if you're to blame, too.


Staten Island

One of the most distressing platitudes we hear after a Buffalo or Texas is "We are better than this."  Clearly we are not.

Mike S.

Eugene, Oregon

It's never about the victim's rights.  Or their family's rights.  Never.

If I were one of the parents I'd sue Abbott, Cruz, and the NRA back to the Stone Age.


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