Thursday, November 10, 2022

to live in this period of time


the cover of Bob Dylan's first album - 1962

[more Reader Comments on Dylan book - NYT]


New York City

IDK Bob Dylan talking about Sinatra?  It doesn't get much better.



That's some kick-ass writing.  Dylan the essayist, his latest phase just hitting his stride.



80 plus and still writing relevant music!  All the while jammin out on the never-ending tour.  Bob Dylan, the man, the myth, THE LEGEND!

East / West

Los Angeles

In no particular order (except alphabetical) you have:  Bob Dylan Joni Mitchell Van Morrison Neil Young All the other past and contemporary songwriters may be great and even geniuses, but none will ever compare to the above listed four.  What a privilege to live in the same period of time as them.

[one comment whined that Bob Dylan is "irrelevant"]



@Scott R Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016, and his latest album, Rough and Rowdy Ways, was released in 2020 to critical acclaim -- including his first-ever Billboard chart-topping single, "Murder Most Foul."  He is currently touring the world, playing sold-out shows.  That sounds pretty relevant to me.



Once again, my heart stopped.  When you put a picture of Bob on the front page, please add in large font "Dylan Alive!"  The day he leaves us will be a very sad one.  Still the best songwriter ever.


Lakewood, Ohio

Dylan is the Shakespeare of our times -- a once-in-500 years talent.  The scope and scale of his music is breathtaking.

Bill Entsminger

Grove City, Ohio

Bob being Bob....if you don't get it then you haven't been paying attention

Jeffrey Waingrow

Sheffield, Massachusetts

Dylan creates a mood, paints a picture, even conjures a new sort of reality.

Malcolm Mackenzie

Naples, New York

I teach sixth grade 47 years deep in the trench.  Every year when I mention Bob Dylan, there are a few students who already know his music.  Amen.



'Students of Dylan have long known to just listen and not ask why.' -- Ben Sisario Ain't it the truth!  Great piece - thanks



Spectacularly overrated pastiche.


California Bay Area

Bob Dylan's way with words takes my breath away.  Every single time.


DOYLESTOWN, Pennsylvania

Bob Dylan and his music changed all of the popular music that followed.



Thank you Bob Dylan


Salt Lake City, Utah

Love the Dead, love the Beatles. love the Boss and U2.  But Dylan is in a class by himself.  I engage with his art and I am so deeply moved.  It is beautiful...timeless



@Jorge I love that song too.  How did a folksinger create one of the greatest rock songs ever?  Two words:  creative genius.

Teddy Chesterfield

East Lansing

Not surprising for a Nobel laureate, but boy can Dylan write.

Big Daddy


I have pre-ordered the book.  Dylan has always been five steps in front of everyone else.  He is a muse for me, and others, I'm sure.


Yellow Springs, Ohio

When I was 17 in 1973, my Dad sneered at me, "The only philosophy you know is Bob Dylan and the Beatles."  He was largely correct and I've since tried to correct that gap in my training.  But, looking back, I might have done a lot worse.


Los Angeles, California

When I was ten, my sister handed me a stack of Dylan albums and said "Here kid, listen to this." 

 I've never been the same.  

I planted myself in front of our stereo and wrote down every line of every song.  His writing is just breathtaking.  

        Even now, sixty years later, when I've experienced something particularly profound or painful, some line from Dylan will play in my head.  He is a thread in the fabric of my life.  I am forever grateful for his words and music.  

And I'm very grateful to my sister.


Amherst, Massachusetts father handed me an album and said:  "This guy is going to be important."


Very few artists and writers stand the test of time -- Beethoven, Van Gogh, Whitman.  Amazing that we are living with one who will:  Dylan.


Girl from the North Country

"And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind Down the foggy ruins of time Far past the frozen leaves The haunted frightened trees Out to the windy beach Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow"  Looking forward to the read, thanks Bob

Coureur des Bois


At 77 all I can say is that I feel so blessed to have been together through life with Bob Dylan and I never use the word blessed.  He's been saying it true and I am grateful that he will be with us when the deal goes down.  

I read a lot of Thoreau and I see Dylan as another man who gets to the heart of the matter.  

To me he is really two people.  In real life he is Bob Zimmerman like all of us just another flawed individual.  In his songs he is Bob Dylan a mythical person in a myth we all share.  

Strike another match


Pacifica California

...No surprise that his writing is interesting.  And to the guy who keeps typing okboomer -- 2019 just called, it wants its zinger back.  (might want to look up "zinger")

Diamond Joe

New England

"Students of Dylan have long known to just listen and not ask why."

That sums it up so succinctly.  Long live Bob.


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