Yesterday here, I included a movie-poster ad for an Alfred Hitchcock movie titled Shadow of a Doubt, although the Commenter who said, "Sam Cooke without a shadow of a doubt" wasn't referring to that film.
But reading that phrase, could not help thinking of that movie.
Hitchcock's movies during Hollywood's Classic Era, 1940 - 1960, were more suspense than gore: these tend to be my favorites.
Shadow of a Doubt
Strangers on a Train
North by Northwest
The Man Who Knew Too Much (second version)
Rear Window
To Catch a Thief
Foreign Correspondent.
Shadow of a Doubt stars Joseph Cotten (pictured above), who also appeared in other iconic film projects (non-Hitchcock) of the Classic Era such as
The Third Man
Citizen Kane
In the Gaslight photograph, that's Joseph Cotten on the right-hand side, on the left is actor Charles Boyer (Boy - AY') -- pronounced the French way.
I finally got to see the film Gaslight when I was in college, but I first heard of it during elementary-school years -- someone at home mentioned that movie, & I asked about it, (What's Gaslight?) and my dad said he was angry at Charles Boyer for years, after seeing that movie.
("...Without a shred of pity, without a shred of regret, watching you go with glory in my heart!")
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