"That's life; you've got to deal with it."
~~ Billy Preston
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
~~ Psalm 118:24
"If Sean Spicer and Trump are going to have a war with the press, they're not going to win.
~~ Frank Sesno
Yesterday I was thinking, "Politicians don't necessarily always want what they say they want."
Then today on the CNBC site, there's a commentary by a retired congressman saying the same thing, essentially, & elaborating upon the point. It is titled "Here's what Barney Frank thinks will happen to financial reform under Trump" -- It can be read Online.
Trump declares "running war" with media
said one CNN headline.
>> The "running war" in -- apparently -- the president's words, sounds like the "rolling narratives" that the extremist Breitbart entertainment site dishes up for its audience. (See discussion of the Rolling Narrative format, this blog, Dec. 6, 2016.)
-------------------- Two possibilities:
1. Pres. Trump is trying to shut down the free press, in the style of a communist or fascist dictator, or --
2. Pres. Trump is declaring, "here is the new distraction for you to watch, folks: my new entertainment which I offer to you -- the 'running war' with the media, the new 'rolling narrative' like a soap opera that continues day after day.
For what purpose? Entertainment and advertising revenues? For Pres. Trump to Get Ongoing Attention? For the purpose of actually providing information for American citizens...? To distract us from other things the president and congress are doing?
N.Y. Times Reader Comments on "the wall" --
Martin Penkwitz Houston, Texas
----------------- Has it occurred to Mr. Trump that this proposed tax on Mexican imports will ultimately be paid by the American consumer who purchases those goods?
Thanks Mr. President for explaining that when you said Mexico would pay for this wall, that in fact you meant that Americans would be taxed to pay for it. Perhaps just another alternative fact.
Jared Rosenfeld Boston
--------------------- The costs of this will redound directly on the working class. ...
Chambolle Bainbridge Island
-------------------- So American consumers will bear a 20% tax on Mexican goods, which may translate into more than 20% with markups when goods hit retail shelves. Ultimately, we, the American consumer, pay for the wall. Trump beats his chest and declares victory....
All told, an exercise in 'point gun at foot, pull trigger, mop up the blood.' A child's tantrum. Lots of bluster, little rational thought. ...
Romy G Texas
---------------------- There goes the price of food. A whole lot of our produce comes from Mexico, and we sure have gotten used to having certain fruits and vegetables during more months of the year, haven't we?
Next time you open a Nabisco product, read the fine print, and ask yourself, who are Mondelez International, and are they manufacturing anything south of the border?
Jafo232 New York
------------- All this will do is benefit China
at best; hurt the American consumer at worst. This is not Mexico paying for a wall. If he wants Mexico
to pay for it, put toll booths at the border. Next.
gleapman Golden, Colorado
----------------------- Added problems:
1. The tax will significantly reduce imports from Mexico, so it's self-defeating in terms of revenue.
2. As exports to the US drop, Mexico's economy goes into recession which will cause increased unemployment, which means more people crossing the border for jobs in the US.
And when people are desperate, no wall will stop them.
Prediction: By the end of Trump's first (hopefully only) term, there will be 14 million undocumented immigrants in the US.
DWS Dallas, Texas
-------------------------- Hahaha! A tax increase on American consumers! Mexico still isn't paying for the wall!
What an amateur.
Lucille Hollander Texas
---------------- ...I always felt that Barack Obama thought out consequences carefully; I feel as if Trump acts as if he got a new chemistry set for Christmas and he is using it without reading the directions....
L. Meringue U.S.A.
--------------------- Trump is like a bull. He sees that big red flag and it's all he sees. Doesn't occur to him that there is anything behind the flag, or that the flag might move or change or disappear in the future. ...
Dr. Carol Stephens Minneapolis
-------------------- The endless conversation about crowd size, illegal voting, and now bullying Mexico ...All of the effort by our politicians in Washington to navigate and explain away his insanity, is a failure to accurately diagnose and understand true mental illness. ...
------------------- A majority of people did not vote for Trump. He is supposed to be the president of all of us now. He is supposed to unite us. He works for us.
It's only been 6 days and it seems that a child-like megalomaniac has taken over our country.
Trump has united the country in disgust at his actions. When will Republicans grow a spine and stand up to him? ...
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