Friday, July 19, 2024

hey, come off it



What are you doing here?


What do you mean, what am I doing here? - I spoke to Mary, Weren't you going to say anything?


Of course I was going to say something to you, but not now - 

(looking back over his shoulder, at the classroom)

I'm tryin'-da --


So where can we speak?  Where can we go and talk?  Where can we speak?

(They go into another classroom, with no students in it.  There's a skeleton.)


How'd you get past the security?


I - walked - right - past!


What are you telling me, that, that, you're gonna leave Emily, is this true? - And run away - with the, the, the winner of the Zelda Fitzgerald Emotional Maturity Award?!


Look, I love her.  I've always loved her.


What kind of crazy friend are you?


I'm a good friend!  I introduced the two of you, remember?


Right!  What was the point?!  I don't understand that!


I thought you liked her!


I do like her!  Now we both like her!



Yeah, well, I liked her first!



'I liked her first' - ?  What are you, six years old?  Geez!


I thought it was over.  I mean, would I have encouraged you to take her out if I still liked her?


So - what, you liked her now you don't like her, now you did like her, you know, it's still early, you can change your mind one more time before dinner!  (dinn-ah!)


Don't get sarcastic about this.  You think I like this?


How long were you gonna see her, without saying anything to me?


Don't turn this into one of your big moral issues!  


You could-a said - all you hadda do - was, you know, call me and talk to me.  You know, I'm very understanding, I'd have said no, but you'd have felt honest.


I wanted to tell you about it, I knew it was going to upset you.  

(he sighs)

We had a few innocent meetings.


A few?!  She said one!  You guys - should get your stories straight, you know - don't you rehearse?


We met twice, for coffee.


Hey, come off it, she doesn't drink coffee.  What'd you do, meet for Sanka?  That's not too romantic, you know, it's a little on the geriatric side...


Well, I'm not a saint.  Okay.


But you're too easy on yourself!  Don't you see that?!  You know, you're - that's your problem, that's your whole problem!  You rationalize everything, you're not honest with yourself, you know, you want to write a book, but - but in the end, you'd rather buy the Porsche. 

        You cheat a little on Emily, and you play around with the truth a little with me - and the next thing you know, you're in front of the Senate Committee and you're naming names!  You're informing on your friends.


You are so self-righteous, you know, I mean, we're just people!  We're just human beings, you know - you think you're God!


(considers that for a second)

I - I gotta model myself after someone.


Ya-just can't live the way you do, you know?  It's all so perfect.


What are future generations going to say about us?  My God, you know - 

(he looks at the skeleton and points to it)

someday, we're gonna, we're gonna be like him!  I mean, you know, he was probably one of the beautiful people, he was probably dancing, and playing tennis and everything and - and - now look, this is what happens to us!  

        You know?  It's very important to - to have some kind of personal integrity!  You know - I'll be hanging in a classroom one day, and I want to make sure when I - thin out - that I'm - well thought of.


Ike - Ike - where you going?


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