Monday, May 27, 2013

oh isht !

A reader wrote in a Comment on the internet this weekend about (what I call "snd" -- some new drug) --
"It's likely another anti-depressant.  Doling 'em out like candy these last few decades, eh!  Doesn't do much to help us all swallow all the messages of competitiveness and implied dissatisfaction being shoved down our throats from every direction. ...Oh isht, you mean love and life is about more than just sex?!  We've all been doing it wrong all this time ..."

"these last few decades"
"swallow all the messages"
"of competitiveness"
"and implied dissatisfaction"

"being shoved down our throats"
"from every direction"

...I could relate to what he's "on a roll" about, here, though I don't know....
"Oh, isht!"
was particularly good.
(Would it be "isht" as one syllable, rhyming with "fished"?
would it be two syllables -- "ish-ett"?);

either way,
seems more polite and dignified
than the
intended original, so OK....

Another Commenter wrote, "the whole men think about sex every seven seconds thing was the result of exaggerating the hell out of some study, wasn't it?"
and a
Commenter quoted that thought back and added, "I lump that one in with 'people only use 10% of their brains' as something someone made up but people like to say because it's truthy."

Best I can figure from the context, "truthy" would mean something that people say and believe (or pretend to believe) but may not really be true. ...
And now that we consider it -- the awe-struck way it gets said:  "You know, they say we only use ten-percent of our brains...."  !  Wow, man.  Where we gonna learn how-in-hell to use th' other ninety percent???  Where's the quote-end-quote New Drug for THAT??


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