Thursday, May 30, 2013

Eat the news! (?)

"News is something someone wants to suppress.  Everything else is advertising."
-- Reuven Frank, NBC News

---------------------- A Comment from a reader of the Columbia Journalism Review:

Ever wonder why "news" about a similar topic is everywhere?  Because it is all a highly coordinated PR cycle.  MSNBC runs a story in the morning and NPR has the same topic running midday, then the nightly news runs the same story.  It's also in the newspaper that day.  To the passive news consumer, it is coincidental but if you start paying attention, it is a well-planned campaign.  Sure, you get disruptions like Boston bombing or 9/11 and stuff like that, but for the most part "news" is a cycle -- like retail sales.  After a few cycles, it gets tedious but fortunately we keep making the next generation who thinks it will be different.  It never is.


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