President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey today, and Twitter conveyed some comments:
-------------------- [The New York Times reported] -- The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum used Twitter to issue a ...rebuke to the idea that Mr. Comey's firing was "Nixonian."
Despite Nixon's firing of the Watergate special prosecutor in October 1973 and the resignations of the attorney general and deputy attorney general in the "Saturday Night Massacre," he never fired the F.B.I. director, the library said:
FUN FACT: President Nixon never fired the Director of the FBI
6:15 PM - 9 May 2017
----------------- [excerpt, New York Times live coverage] ---------------- Senator Richard M. Burr, a North Carolina Republican and chairman of the Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russia's role in the election, was among the few Republicans to openly criticize Mr. Comey's firing.
His voice is important because his committee's inquiry has been the party's principal justification for resisting calls for a special prosecutor.
[Richard Burr's "Tweet"]
"I am troubled by the timing and reasoning of Director Comey's termination. I have found Director Comey to be a public servant of the highest order, and his dismissal further confuses an already difficult investigation by the committee.
In my interactions with the Director and with the Bureau under his leadership, he and the FBI have always been straightforward with our Committee.
Director Comey has been more forthcoming with information than any FBI Director I can recall in my tenure on the congressional intelligence committees. His dismissal, I believe, is a loss for the bureau and the nation."
Richard Burr
@Senator Burr
[NYTimes excerpt, continued] ---------- Speaking on the Senate floor, Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois raised concerns about the firing and how it would affect the investigation into Russian election meddling.
"Any attempt to stop or undermine this F.B.I. investigation would raise grave constitutional issues," he said. "We await clarification by the White House as soon as possible as to whether this investigation will continue and whether it will have a credible lead so that we know that it'll have a just outcome." ---------- [end, excerpt - NYT]
The article noted some White House assistants indicated that Mr. Spicer might come out to talk to reporters later in the evening....
Oh -- that will help.
...About as much as 9 minutes of Kelly Anne Conaway snarling, "Because I said so!"
If I were President Trump, I'd give those people a permanent vacation....
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