Friday, February 5, 2010

club member

This week, referred in two posts to Groucho Marx famous "one-liners."

Two of those are in Woody Allen's Annie Hall.

At the end of that film, talking about relationships, Woody Allen says (paraphrasing this quote): "Relationships are hard and most of the time they don't work out -- but, it's like the Groucho Marx joke: (or maybe he doesn't credit Groucho-- maybe he just says,
'It's like the old joke...') --

My brother thinks he's a chicken. We don't talk him out of it because --
we need the eggs.

And as difficult as it can be to find a relationship and make it work, & make it last --
"most of us keep goin' through it because --

we need the eggs."

And at the beginning of that film, Woody Allen speaks directly to the audience, looking at the camera (breaking the "fourth wall") and says as he is trying to figure out his life,
and -- Life --
he thinks of the "old Groucho Marx" joke where he said, "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." --That basically seems to sum up my relationships with women..."

Something like that.

Watch it on YouTube.

I like to remember the first time I saw "Annie Hall."
My boyfriend took me to see it, end freshman year in college.
He had seen it before, and believed that I should see it.

Sitting in the dark, packed theater, up on the screen comes this person -- curly red hair, black-framed glasses, thoughtful, worried expression, questioning. Talking right at me. Right out to all of us in the audience. Talking, talking. Trying to figure things out while we watched.

I had not seen that done in a movie before.
It was revolutionizing.

Like, "Okay. You can do this.

This can be done."



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